First Class Impression


First Impression

As I opened the classroom door and started to the back row, I was quickly advised by my new professor that sitting in the back would, "statistically cause me an easy C or D in the class." Yeah... probably a good idea. Fair enough, I thought, as I found my seat in the front row, in front of a large desktop that would block my view of the professor. After reviewing the syllabus, I was able to get a bit of a better understanding of what the course would bring and how I would benefit from taking it.
"Cool. Challenging, but a little boring, perhaps,"I thought.
But then Professor Echeverry revealed his talents and a look inside his personal life a bit more as he showed us his personal work and film. As he continued, it was clear that he would definitely make this course a bit more interesting and engaging, at the least.

Who Am I?

Liv is definitely the preferred nickname. I am a sophomore eagerly waiting to take on more classes that are more involved with my major and minor this year. I am an ADPR major, with a minor in GD. Things I love:
music, art, festivals, vegan food, animals, cats, my boyfriend, frands, and fam, warm weather, beach, rain, volleyball, singing, yoga, tea, wine, going out, learning new things, designing, imagining... just to name a few.
Hopefully I can learn a good amount about different programs on the computer that will benefit my work later on. I hope I can at least create a couple things that will prove I know photoshop, coding, creating, etc. I want to gain confidence in applying my creativity into graphic design.


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