Final Logos


Let me just start out by saying I had little inspiration to create these. I really struggled with finding the right words to describe me that I could come up with ideas to create logos out of. I guess I struggled with managing my time correctly during this project and a lot of the work isn't as great as it could have been. 

"Vegan Logo"
Definitely my favorite Logo I created out of all of them. I am vegan, so I thought I would do something that represents eating plant based foods so I decided to make it cute and simple so it is easy to get the message across. 

"Musical Logo"
Haha, this one is actually quite ridiculous but I tried to incorporate my love and appreciation for music, whether it's listening to it or creating it. I tried to include my initials in the design with the pink O and S, which make up the headphones and the nose of the face. 

"Free Spirited"
I would say I am very boho and what some may call a "free-spirit" so I tried to create a look that would reflect that. The hamsa hand is normally recognized as a peaceful thing, so I used that and also tried to incorporate my initials in it as well, with the blue O and S in the center of the hand.  

Compassionate was a very cliche word to use and there were a lot of things I could have done for the word but it would have turned out corny. I pictured two hands reaching out for each other and also included my initials with the O and the S in the middle. 

First thing I think of when I hear the word optimistic is the sun, so I had to use it. I also put the yin-yang symbol inside of the sun to represent balance and peace. I really like this idea but I also think I could have definitely done a lot better, overall. 


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